Level Up Human Resources

Provide employment and life skills training for positive leadership development.


Customer Quotes

Maria, we want to thank you for the outstanding job you did on training our 300 Managers and Foremen. This is a big step in changing our piecework culture. The impact of this training as well as your training style and your ability to do the training in Spanish is being recognized by our Executive team.  And lastly, thank you for your willingness to work so early in the mornings, for always arriving early, and for your willingness to present in our cold warehouse in the middle of winter.  We look forward to working with you again.   
Valerie Welsh, PHRca 
HR Director 
Maria, Jim and I want to thank you for the personalized training today. You made the training fun, interactive and extremely informative. We were both surprised at how quickly the time passed. I have been a trainer for many years and I appreciated your style and expertise. I will definitely recommend you to many of my colleagues. 
Kay Stemmler, President
Let get them started NOW on these principals so they are ready when the day comes. I think you hit on a great idea here by offering this type of education at their level, it’s a niche that yes, you could find companies that do this but not with the level of personal attention or the curriculum you are putting together for this. Your program is way more impactful then the big consulting firm webinars or one day classes that they offer, or one size fits all. Like herding cattle.
Keith E. Caneva, CFO
Maria was excellent. I was very pleased with her professionalism and her ability to handle difficult students. She was diplomatic and creative on how she went about dealing with them. That is definitely a skill. Of course, I am in H.R. and deal with this type of thing every day so I recognized that about her immediately. Please keep me in mind, as a referral for her anytime.
Julie Padilla, Human Resources Manager
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